SterJo NetStalker lets you know about any incoming or active TCP/IP connection on your PC. This program is capable of reporting when a process tries to open a new connection, which you can then accept, check the process' properties, or kill it. Moreover, you can create a set of rules to accept or reject new connections automatically based on the remote address and port used, acting just as a firewall.
Thanks to its tabbed user interface, you can move among different sets of information in a simple way. The "Activity" tab allows you to see the list of all the connections that are currently active. For each connection on the list, the program shows you the name of the process or executable file, the protocol (TCP or UDP), and the local and remote IP addresses and ports. The connection status and the path to the executable file are also available from the same list.
The "Policy" tab, on the other hand, lets you see the rules that help the program act as a firewall. SterJo NetStalker includes a set of predefined rules, but you are allowed to add new rules, and to modify or delete already existing ones. In addition, the program can also log information about its activity, and record a history of changes. You can see that log and history information using the additional tabs provided.
As stated before, whenever a process that does not have a rule in the "Policy" tab tries to open a new connection, you will receive a warning message. You can accept or reject this new connection though, unfortunately, the program is not capable of converting your decision into a new rule automatically. Finally, SterJo NetStalker allows you to configure some other general parameters using the "Preferences" window. For example, you can set the program to run automatically at Windows start-up, or to run minimized.